Whenever you have emotions that have not been processed there are a few things that can happen. One of them is you completely shove it down and try to never ever see it again and whenever it tries to come back up you keep shoving it down. The other way people commonly handle it is by venting. They will continuously talk about the same problem over and over again in hopes that something will change when they do. They have believed the lie that if you talk about it it will feel better. The truth is when you're talking about real pain, it doesn't get better by talking about it. In fact it often makes it worse. The wound gets bigger. You feel worse about yourself. And on top of it people start to distance themselves from you because they don't want to hear about it anymore. The pain is felt in the body because it is in the body so it must be released through the body. It is well documented in traditional Chinese medicine that emotions can get stuck in the body. We may believe that because emotions can't be seen that they aren't very real. We can just will them away or ignore them. However, even though we cannot see them in the material world, they exist as energy. So no matter how much you ignore it or try to will it away, it persists. Everything around us is energy. Emotions are energy in motion. This means that they are meant to move through the body. We don't want to prevent ourselves from having emotions. They are a part of being human. We simply need to learn how to allow them to be. When they are not allowed to move through the body they get stuck in different parts of the body causing illness. This is because energy is meant to circulate and move freely so when it gets stuck it creates a blockage which manifests in your life. You may intuitively know this. Many people say things like, "When I was having problems with my ex husband I began to have migraines and when I divorced him the migraines left." When people share these stories they are often implying that the two are related. They know their physical bodies have very much been affected by their pain through their own experience that cannot be denied. Whatever pain is showing up in your life is a sign that something needs to be changed. This is your body's way of communicating to you exactly what needs to be done. This is the way your body and soul help you along on your spiritual journey. It isn't a way to punish you, but a way of showing you the spiritual work that needs to be done so that you can move closer to a state of love. It is lower energies like bitterness, anger, hate, unforgiveness, grief, and jealousy that create these blockages. We intuitively know this. Even modern science tells us that anger raises blood pressure and causes migraines. Doctors tell their clients to lower their stress levels and to calm down, but they are not shown how to calm down. Anger is a real emotion and there is nothing wrong with it, it is simply that prolonged anger creates disease. So when there is a lot in your life causing you anger and you're continuously feeling angry it will eventually show up in the body to get your attention. As you remove these blocks, pure love naturally emerges and this pure energy dramatically transforms your life physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your health increases. Your relationships blossom and your connection to the Divine is strengthened. The problem is that we as a society have not been shown how to do this. If you have been sounding like a broken record and would like to move beyond that and into a new version of yourself let's connect. Disclaimer: A Joyful Life Lived, LLC is providing this training and any related materials (blog posts, newsletters, and other communications) for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor or a therapist. If you are struggling with any mental, emotional, or physical illness it is your responsibility to seek the counsel of your primary care provider. You should always consult your primary care provider before doing any new exercise. A Joyful Life Lived, LLC is not responsible for any injuries you may encounter through doing the movement meditations. Nothing created out of A Joyful Life Lived, LLC should be misconstrued as personal advice.
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AuthorHi! I am Sandy. I am intuitive and an empath. I share what I see spiritually in order to add data that can be used to figure out this world we live in. Archives
November 2024