The appointments are held via Google Meet. In order to ensure we are a good fit and that I can help you, please click on the form below to fill out a quick form.
Disclaimer: A Joyful Life Lived, LLC is providing this training and any related materials (blog posts, newsletters, and other communications) for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor or a therapist. If you are struggling with any mental, emotional, or physical illness it is your responsibility to seek the counsel of your primary care provider. Nothing created out of A Joyful Life Lived, LLC should be misconstrued as personal advice.
"In one on one sessions, we are working together to help you create what you do want in your life. You will no longer be victim to unconscious blocks in your life that are creating the struggle and drama in your life. Because of this, stuff you don't want stops showing up in your life and stuff you do want presents itself in wonderful synchronous ways. You become the captain of your energy. You tell it where you want to go."
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