Photo by MART PRODUCTION There is so much suffering in this world and a false narrative has been made that makes people think they are supposed to suffer. One common lie I see told over and over again to help people through their suffering is to stay strong because out of their darkness will be light. That is a lie. You can't create light from darkness. Darkness is darkness. If a child is sexually molested, no light can come from that. That child if he/she does not get the right support right away will lead a tumultuous, challenging, and a very sad life. The pain of what happened will always live with them and unbeknownst to them their struggles in life will come from that trauma. They will be surrounded by unhelpful people and often marry the completely wrong person all due to the challenges that were created the moment the sexual molestation began. You are told this lie to feel defeated and to not look for solutions. When trials and challenges come you will fall back on the trope, "This is supposed to happen and out of this darkness light will come." This will continue to happen in your life and you will be met with challenge after challenge. You're not supposed to continuously go through them. There are forces that are creating those challenges. They happen when primarily negative forces are governing your life. There is a way out of this. I have been through it. Once you start to create a new path for yourself you will at first still encounter challenges. In fact, it will feel like they are coming at you from all directions and it's meant to make you feel imprisoned and like there is no escape. They want you to give up. They will throw every single thing at you that they usually do to keep you down. It all revolves around fear. Their method of control is fear. As long as you're afraid, they can control you. I was in the midst of all of this. I recalled biblical scriptures. I remembered Job and Jesus in the desert and what I found is that there is truth in that we all will face a tribulation period where we are continuously tested. I am not religious and I have found that a lot of lies are hidden in biblical scriptures, but yet there are truths in there too. That's how this world is. It's meant to be confusing. The confusion keeps you down and controlled. The period of tribulation isn't there because we are supposed to suffer. It's there because that's what negative forces do. If you stay afraid while they are throwing everything at you, you will stay stuck in that and stay in suffering. The way out is to be able to observe what they are doing and to not let it take your peace. So I watched as they created challenge after challenge to drain my bank account. I wasn't afraid. I knew my money always comes from God and God will continue to give me the money to pay for whatever I need. What's the worse that can happen? I am homeless? I am dead? Neither of them bother me. Death is not something to be afraid of and homelessness won't take away from the fact that God will continue to support me and put helpers on my path. Honestly, in a lot of ways homes are a cage. You have rent/mortgage and bills to pay. This life is structured in a way that keeps people in a tunnel vision through constant worry about paying bills. It doesn't allow people the time to breathe and contemplate more important things in life. It's created that way on purpose. You will hear stories of people who have been homeless and they weren't afraid and it was part of their spiritual journey. It brought them to freedom. So there's nothing to be afraid of in regards to that. I watched as I continued to be spiritually attacked. All of this continued until I had arrived at new spiritual places where they couldn't touch me anymore. I was gardening and I felt a spiritual attack except this time I was just observing it. It didn't harm me and I knew that I had arrived at a place where I will see these things, but they cannot touch me anymore. I wasn't angry that that person had spiritually attacked me. I wasn't afraid. And after that incident I saw a new future for me. I could see all of this goodness come my way. As an intuitive, I had often had anxiety because I could see calamity in my life. There was no escape. Evil was lurking everywhere creating challenges for me all of the time. And then all of that changed. I couldn't see that anymore. I saw good things and I knew that while the world will go on, people won't change, and they will try to spiritually attack you and do what they will, it could no longer affect me and because of that I was going to see good things in my life. I am about to be 38 years old. The majority of those 38 years has been suffering. I have been seeing this new path for a while and so far it's been true. I will hear all sorts of positive things coming my way and they are too good to be true given the amount that I have suffered since childhood due to being sexually molested starting at the age of 3 that I can't believe it. In fact, I have often wondered if I was delusional or fantasizing. But so far, everything I have seen has come to pass. So as far as I can tell, this place can be hell and it can be good. I won't call it heaven. I don't think it's heaven. From what I can see it's primarily filled with negative forces and they are the ones governing this earth, but there are also good forces that help us and keep us out of harms way. My name is Sandy Munroe and I help people solve their spiritual problems. If you would like help with that click on the button below and fill out the form to receive a free consultation. Disclaimer: A Joyful Life Lived, LLC is providing this training and any related materials (blog posts, newsletters, and other communications) for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor or a therapist. If you are struggling with any mental, emotional, or physical illness it is your responsibility to seek the counsel of your primary care provider. Nothing I say should be misconstrued as personal advice or a replacement for medical advice.
Photo by KoolShooters I am going to start writing blog posts that simply share what I see going on in the energy. I am simply adding to the information out there. Other intuitives talk about things they see and I wish to add to the information that is already out there. As you know, I see entities. I don't call them demons, aliens, or anything in between. In fact, for me they often look human like. Sometimes some have not looked human shaped, but for the most part I don't really care about trying to identify it in any way. I only care about the energy it carries and I know they carry negative energy and do evil things in the same way that people speak about demons. What I have noticed is that a lot of people are infested with these entities. These entities create energetic attachments. I see it like a line between you and the entity. Within that line there is an energy. It can be different things, but I will focus on a few things around this subject today. The first thing I noticed is that they create unwanted thoughts in people through those connections. That thought will be an obsession. People cannot get rid of that thought and it somehow creates problems in their lives. For example, it can be a thought around how worthless you are. That's definitely going to ruin your life. You cannot make empowered decisions that benefit you when you feel worthless. You will always feel like you don't belong in a space or around good people so you will keep settling for people that you know you shouldn't even have in your space. When I meet someone that I can see is highly stressed they usually have a lot of these connections going on. And this is the important part. I had long noticed that I could not allow these kind of people in my life because it would somehow create havoc in mine. I tried. I knew that they had issues and I could see what was going on energetically and I know they can sometimes be a victim so I would try to allow them into my life, but it always always backfired on me. Here is why. These people are riddled with these connections and so they are easily influenced by these entities. The connections make it so that you are basically a puppet for them. Through those connections they can influence what you say and do and because of this these entities can and do use other people to cause you harm. And they don't even have to directly do something to you. Just the fact that you talk to them allows these entities to have an entry into your life. They play off information they know about you. And it can end up being the smallest stupidest thing about you, but they will use it against you. Just like in real life you can have people communicate and plan together these entities do the same exact thing. So they create plans to create chaos in your life and while sometimes it might be an outright huge attack on you they really like to do the small things because those tend to go under the radar. With the small things, you tend to think it's just you. You're just obsessive. You just don't have the ability to shake things off. You will think you're the problem, but I have seen time and time again that in certain circumstances the problem can be traced back to one of these connections. Once the connection is severed the problem goes away. If the person is sensitive, they may feel the obsessive thought leave their mind and notice how their thoughts change into more helpful thoughts. Usually a person has multiple connections like this. Not just one so it isn't a quick problem to solve. It's more pervasive and there is a larger infestation when these entities have been in your family for generations. I usually see this in families where there is abuse going on. This situation is the most challenging one, but it can always be spotted. More recently, I met someone and I could see something was off in his energy. I spoke to him about what I saw and mentioned Santeria. Right away, he mentioned that his family does Santeria and that he did not agree with it and moved away from them when he was 12 years old. In this instance, they are attached to you and the entire family. They feel like they own you because somewhere down the line some ancestor did something to allow them into their life and family. This type of situation is one of the reasons for what people call a generational curse. The curse is actually these entities that have a free for all in your family. They absolutely own the family and their actions and what they say are dictated by these entities. I am going to stop here for now. I will add more information as I feel inspired to share. My name is Sandy Munroe and I help people with their spiritual problems. If you would like assistance with a spiritual problem you can contact me by clicking the button below and filling out the form. Disclaimer: A Joyful Life Lived, LLC is providing this training and any related materials (blog posts, newsletters, and other communications) for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor or a therapist. If you are struggling with any mental, emotional, or physical illness it is your responsibility to seek the counsel of your primary care provider. Nothing I say should be misconstrued as personal advice or a replacement for medical advice. |
AuthorHi! I am Sandy. I am intuitive and an empath. I share what I see spiritually in order to add data that can be used to figure out this world we live in. Archives
November 2024